Environmental health focuses on the health interrelationships between people and their environment, promotes human health and well-being, and fosters a safe and healthful environment.
Environmental public health programs help deliver the 10 Essential Public Health Services in their communities. These efforts also link to and support broader public health initiatives such as public health accreditation.
Environmental Health Professionals are often credentialed and have studied a broad range of topics that can impact the health and safety of our communities.
Chapter Topics
NET Health’s Environmental Health Department is responsible for Environmental Health Services within Smith County & City Limits of Bullard. Other local governments can ask for these program services through interlocal agreements.
Retail Food Protection Program
Inspections are performed for more than 1600 facilities.
Food Borne Illness Investigations & Complaints
Plan Reviews
Commercial Aquatic Health & Safety Program
Inspections are performed for more than 220 facilities.
Waterborne Illness Investigations & Complaints
Licensed Care Facilities Program
Inspections for more than 70 facilities.
Complaint Investigations
Plan Reviews
General Community Environmental Health Program
Funeral Home – Sanitation Inspections
Sanitation inspections occur upon request.
Public Nuisance Complaint Investigations – Manmade Public Conditions that can lead to disease
Over 100 complaints annually to resolve public health threats.
Outreach publications and training events are scheduled and produced to help encourage the community.
Areas of Improvement for Environmental Health in our Community
A Community Environmental Health Assessment is needed to support the medical health assessments and county health rankings. The results will better prepare local health departments to develop area programs to address gaps in care, reduce disparities, and improve environmental conditions impacting our long-term health and wellbeing.
Foodborne Illness Response Improvement Plan.
Mobile Food Pilot Program.