We investigate and respond to health emergencies and safeguard the health of those who may be vulnerable to environmental hazards.
The variety of inspections includes Retail Food Establishments, Public Pools and Spas, Public Interactive Water Features, and Child Care Facilities.
Here you will find the 3 Types of inspections that are overseen by our Environmental Health Department.
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Facilities within this category includes restaurants, catering services, convenience stores, grocery stores, school cafeterias, bakeries, and mobile food vehicles
Not all inspections are created equal. Instructions on how to search and grade a report can be found below.
Inspection reports will be made available within one week of the inspection date. To find inspection results for a particular facility.
Enter the facility name and click the Search button. You may also add the street name, city, or zip code to further limit the search results.
Click on the facility name and then "View" to see the inspection report details. This is just a copy being made available for the public.
Definitions of Compliance Status
OUT = Not in compliance IN = In compliance NO = Not observed NA = Not applicable COS = Corrected on site REPEAT = Repeat Violation
Our online database contains a searchable range of inspections conducted by the Environmental Health Department since August 2021.
A PDF of the actual Inspection Report is available for download by clicking the link directly under the name of the facility that was inspected.
Our Environmental Health Department covers all cities and unincorporated areas within Smith County
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