WIC is a supplemental nutrition program that helps pregnant women, new mothers, new fathers & young children (up to age 5) to eat well, learn about nutrition, and stay healthy. NET Health operates a WIC clinic in 20 East Texas counties and all WIC services are free.
The building blocks of a healthy and happy family.
The Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program in Texas, established in 1974, plays a crucial role in supporting the health and well-being of mothers and young children. By providing access to nutritious foods, breastfeeding support, and valuable health education, WIC ensures that women and their children receive the essential nutrients they need during critical stages of development. The program also offers personalized nutrition counseling and referrals to other healthcare services, making it a vital resource for families striving for better health outcomes in Texas.
Women who had a baby in the past 6 months or are breastfeeding a baby under 1 year of age.
Pregnant women are also eligible to enroll.
You may apply for WIC if you are employed, unemployed, insured, uninsured, married or single.
Fathers of children under the age of 5 are encouraged to enroll their children into WIC.
Just like any other parent or guardian, fathers can bring their children to appointments, attend nutrition classes, and receive and redeem benefits for their children.
Active participation by fathers is a great help in keeping WIC children healthy.
Step-parents, foster parents, relatives, and/or grandparents who are the legal guardians of children under the age of 5 can apply.
WIC services are 100% FREE.
Mothers Who Breastfeed
Lower their risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer
Have less risk of post-partum bleeding and anemia
Tend to lose weight easier
Save time and money
Artificial Formulas
Asthma or pneumonia
Ear infections
Diabetes Mellitus
WIC Program Offers
Breastfeeding classes
Consultations for WIC clients
A breastfeeding-friendly office
Pumps and other equipment
Breastfeeding Peer Counselors
Texas WIC 1st Ever "Shining Star Award"
You have probably never heard of our Shining Star Award, and that's because it has never been given out before," said Edgar Curtis, Texas WIC Director.
The Texas Health & Human Services Commission (HHSC) presents the first-ever Shining Star Award to Tecora Smith, the NET Health Director of 21 WIC clinics in northeast Texas.
This award is the first of its kind and recognizes exceptional leadership, service and dedication to the children and families served by Texas WIC.
"Tecora Smith is the first to ever receive our Shining Star Award and there is no intention to turn this into an annual award," says Curtis.
"If public service has a Hall of Fame, she would be its first inductee."